

GOD-CENTERED: Worship is all about God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Coming into His presence, celebrating who He is, what He has done, is doing, and still promises to do for all who are His from all nations, through all time. Our delight is not in being entertained, or in what we get, but in giving back to Him who has so richly blessed us.

RESPONSIVEWe give back to God in keeping with the pattern He reveals to us in Scripture. Each week we begin by hearing His call and responding to Him with our praise, thanksgiving, and adoration. Then we respond to His Holiness, Justice, and Mercy with our repentance. Having been renewed we then consecrate ourselves to Him with our confession of faith, our prayers, our tithes and offerings, and our hearing His Word. Finally we are blessed and strengthened through our receiving the Lord’s Supper, sent out into the world as His witnesses.

BLENDED:  God is infinite and eternal, and it will take all eternity to know Him. We blend the best we can find from ancient, traditional, and contemporary resources to enjoy Him in our music and song, in our readings, and through our testimonies. We recognize too that the body of Christ is made up of people from every generation, every race, every background, all coming together as one to glorify and enjoy Him.

WORD-CENTERED: To please God in our worship and with our lives we need His help, His direction. He gives us that help and direction by the Holy Spirit working through the Word. Scriptures permeates and informs every part of our worship. This includes the messages given each week which seek to apply that word so that we can grow in faith, and more faithfully live as God intends.

JOYFUL: Worship is joyful, a foretaste of the heaven itself. God’s people coming together as one, giving back to Him in keeping with all we have and are receiving. It is about encouraging and being encouraged, sharing stories of His goodness and grace, helping one another with the hardships and burdens we each have to carry.